
What Is a Periodic Sentence? with Examples

These sentences are recognized for their rhetorical prowess and have been utilized by prolific writers to enhance their prose with stylistic flair and suspense. Writers use periodic structure when they want to create drama or make their text feel more poetic and aesthetic. Leaving the main clause until the end of a passage or line forces the reader to dig their way through other images. This should, in theory, make that main clause all the more impactful when it’s finally revealed. Kipling was betting on this when he wrote ‘If—.’ It should be noted, though, that some examples of periodic structure in one’s writing are okay, but too many could overwhelm the reader and make it hard to understand what’s going on. As you revise your writing, be sure to read your periodic sentences out loud.

  1. ✤ She is having the time of her life, doing all that she has been wanting to do for years.
  2. A periodic sentence ends with the main clause, and a loose sentence begins with the main clause.
  3. Neither a series of short, choppy sentences, nor long sentences that don’t seem to end are considered to be reader-friendly.
  4. Let’s begin by diving into the world of complex sentences and exploring the foundation upon which periodic sentences are built.
  5. Its descriptive name is in reference to the punctuation mark — period, or full stop — that designates the end of a declarative sentence.
  6. Short sentences are simple sentences that cannot put emphasis on information that is more important.

With a gradually unfolding succession of differently weighted descriptions, the effective technique is one that can enrich the image, arouse curiosity, or expound an argument. There is an aesthetic of poetry to this way of constructing a sentence — an emotional creation of tension and release. In part due to this extra rhetoric, but also because of a media-influenced cultural preference for brevity, periodic sentences are not commonly encountered.

The Importance of Reading Sentences Aloud During Revision

This creates a sense of suspense and anticipation for the reader, as they are kept in suspense until the end of the sentence or paragraph. Periodic structure is often used in persuasive writing, speeches, and other forms of rhetoric to create a sense of drama and emphasize key points. By delaying the reveal of the main idea, writers can build tension and engage the reader more deeply in their message.

Simple sentences consist of one independent clause, expressing a complete thought or idea. Compound sentences, on the other hand, contain two or more independent clauses, typically joined by coordinating conjunctions, semicolons, or commas. Finally, compound-complex sentences are a blend of compound and complex structures, featuring at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Periodic structure is a form of sentence writing in which readers have to wait till the end of the sentence in order to know what the main clause and/or predicate are.

Strunk and White’s Elements of Style suggests not overusing the loose sentence. To avoid monotony, they should be broken up with simpler sentences. Periodic structure is form of writing in which the main clause of the periodic sentence definition sentence, or its predicate, are held till the end of the sentence. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.

It is a straightforwardly understood declaration stating the main point, the independent clause “The bird soared upward,” at the beginning of the sentence. It is sometimes called a continuous style for its linear sequence, or train of thought. Loose sentences employ a literary technique called parataxis, from the Greek word “to place side by side.” They can be thought of as the opposite of periodic sentences. Every grammar book emphasizes on striking a balance when it comes to the length of a sentence. Neither a series of short, choppy sentences, nor long sentences that don’t seem to end are considered to be reader-friendly. A combination of short and long sentences is what will keep the reader interested.

Words Starting With P and Ending

Now that you understand what periodic sentences are and how you can use them, you can apply them with proper balance and effect in your writing. In this case, adjusting some periodic structures to loose ones achieves nimble variation with less potential to divert the reader’s attention. By delaying the most important information, periodic sentences further underscore the central idea, often creating emphasis, suspense, or surprise. You can see how each sentence leads with the main thought and then provides extra description. If we omit the additional details, or if a reader glosses over them, the primary information we want conveyed will be intact, even if it lacks enhancing zest and insight.

A loose sentence starts with the main idea (the independent clause) and then follows it with any details we wish to add for imagery and clarity. A loose sentence is a sentence structure in which the main clause is followed by one or more coordinate or subordinate phrases and clauses. Also known as a cumulative sentence or a right-branching sentence. Let’s begin by diving into the world of complex sentences and exploring the foundation upon which periodic sentences are built. It is mainly used to make the listener receptive and open to considering an idea before directly stating the idea. Writers use periodic sentences to justify claims or present evidence before stating the idea or claim at the end of the sentence.

As demonstrated above, periodic sentences generate intrigue by revealing their main point only after several dependent clauses. This structure offers a captivating method of revealing essential information and can leave a lasting impression on the reader. When constructing a periodic sentence, it’s essential to strike a balance between suspense and clarity. An overly convoluted sentence may deter readers, while one that is too simple may lack impact. Therefore, periodic sentences should be used deliberately and thoughtfully to grasp readers’ attention and powerfully deliver the climactic message. A periodic sentence, by design, postpones its main clause until the conclusion, holding the reader’s attention and creating an air of anticipation.

Loose sentences prioritize clarity and immediacy, providing readers with the main point at the beginning of the sentence. While not as dramatic or suspenseful as periodic sentences, they offer a sense of transparency and make for more effortless reading. A periodic sentence is a carefully structured arrangement of words, designed to create suspense and deliver a powerful impact. To better understand the intricate components of a periodic sentence, let’s break it down into its fundamental parts. While they can add style and effect to formal writing, as with any tool or technique, periodic sentences should be used with proper restraint. Relying on them or grouping too many together can draw attention to writing and start to sound redundant and stilted.

Examples of periodic sentence in a Sentence

Consequently, readers are more likely to maintain their focus and recall the message communicated. Suspense plays a crucial part in captivating the audience, engaging their attention, and ensuring that the main idea leaves a lasting impression. The complex periodic sentence is typically used in more formal sentence construction; so, its usage is not as common today in verbal or written communication. This is used for emphasis and can be persuasive by putting reasons for something at the beginning before the final point is made. Professor Jeanne Fahnestock notes in „Rhetorical Style“ that the distinction between periodic and loose sentences „begins with Aristotle, who described types of sentences on the basis of how ‚tight‘ or how ‚open‘ they sounded.“

A periodic sentence is a sentence, usually complex or long, that builds up expectations and deliberately positions the main clause at the end. Shakespeare uses this technique at this moment in order to romanticize the sentiment and make the passage all the more memorable. Complex sentences are a formidable tool for conveying intricate, engaging, and thought-provoking ideas in English grammar. By understanding their construction and effectively employing them in your writing and speech, you will enrich your communication and pave the way for more meaningful interactions. The build-up makes up the rest of the sentence and creates some suspense.

As demonstrated in the literary example above, the periodic sentence delays the main action – in this case, the description of the beautiful scenery – until the very end. Readers are first guided through a series of picturesque details before reaching the unveiling of the primary message. Periodic sentences build upon the readers’ curiosity as they navigate through the sentence’s details and context before reaching the main idea.

What Is a Periodic Sentence?

Spotting her talent right away, Natasha’s trainer patiently guided her to each next level of skill. With a mind of steel and a heart of gold, the chosen leader will lead the captives out of their bondage. The chosen leader, with a mind of steel and a heart of gold, will lead the captives out of their bondage. To reach the core thought, we have to read all the way to the end—i.e., to the period (periodic). Many of us will write for different reasons, such as to convey information, enjoy and maintain relationships, or journal our distinctive experience perceiving the people, places, and things that we see.

By placing the independent clause at the end of the sentence, a periodic sentence ensures that readers are engaged and invested in the unfolding narrative. This deliberate arrangement contrasts sharply with other sentence structures, such as loose sentences, where the primary message or action is presented upfront and followed by additional details. On a concluding note, to be able to differentiate a loose sentence from a periodic sentence, you need to identify and locate the main/independent clause.


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